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Some Chat Examples
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These are random examples of our chat assistants. Please click on one of the questions to see the chat.

Wildlife ExpertWhat is the most dangerous snake?
MagicianWhat is a simple trick for someone new to magic that you can explain how to do
Sports ExpertWhat was the first football club and when?
General BotWho wrote the words of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Language TutorCan you tell me something about the Paul Noble method of learning languages?
Career CounsellorWhat is a good career for a computer programmer?
BeauticianI have been told that hiding teenage spots with makeup is not good. What is good to help minimize their look?
PoetWrite a poem for autumn
Language TutorI am going to learn German. What is a good way to learn German?
Time Management ConsultantSuggest a balanced daily routine that promotes productivity and self care
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